
Jen and Tony's beer travels... from microbreweries to microbrews... food, fun and friends.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Better Late Than Never - Our Trip to Wisconsin Dells in September

The Corner Pub? Does anything good really ever served at the Corner Pub? MGD, Bud, but wait! This Corner Pub brews their own beer and has a chef trained from the Culinary Institute of America. The Red was good and the Porter was pretty good. I tasted the smoked porter... interesting. A sip was probably enough but it was good.

We also visited The Grumpy Troll in Mount Horeb. We visited it twice. The first day we ate nachos and coupled them with the Vegetarian Black Bean Chili.
I tried Erik the Red and Tony had the Maggie IPA. We saw the Imperial Stouts being served around the bar and decided we should try one at the bar for dessert.

While we sat at the bar sipping our Stout, we discussed some of the unique beers on their menu. They had a jalapeno flavored beer called Slow Eddie.

I am not much of a jalapeno lover but this was a tasty beer. On the way back to the hotel we both noticed a little delayed "heat" in our throats.

The Slow Eddie was so good we decided to come back the next day on our way home for another lunch and a growler to share with Rick and Steve (two of our best beer aficionado friends).